Popular Sports In English

Jun 01, 2024

The popularity of a particular discipline and its name variant also depend on the country (there are exclusively British and American sports). In the US, football is mostly called soccer, while in the UK the name is football. The sports that are loved in the UK are handball (гандбол), fencing (фехтование), cricket (крикет), chess (шахматы), rowing (гребля), golf (гольф), etc. Let us learn what are the names of various sports in English and their translation. Now, as you have familiarized with the primary sports terms, you can make exercises to remember them and have more practice. If you want to learn the English language in depth with fun and communicate on various specific topics, CIS International School can help you with that. Call us 012365874953 and learn more about the application procedure, programs offered by the School, and the prospects of success that the students of the School would have in life. British CIS representative offices and School campuses are based in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Tashkent.

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